
Warning: obesity triggers many diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure

Obesity triggers, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, reflux, asthma, cholesterol-related liver failure. It also links to many other medical conditions such as gout, degenerative joint diseases, migraine, phlebitis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and menstrual disorders. Besides, obese people are more likely to develop cancer than normal weighted individuals. These cancer types include breast, uterus, large intestine, esophagus, pancreas, kidney and prostate cancers.

Worldwide, 39% of adults are either overweight or obese. As of statistics of 2017, 4,7 million people died prematurely because of obesity. Obesity, a chronic disease, is affected by genetic mutations, diet, age, and physical activity. Obesity is not just an aesthetic problem. it is a serious problem that negatively affects all systems of the body and thus causes many diseases. The good news, however, is that the majority of obesity-related diseases are cured when obesity is treated.

Obesity linked to High blood pressure

In obese people, triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL levels increase, while HDL level decreases. As a result, blood pressure rises. Studies have shown that people whose BMI is more than 25 have a 5.2 times greater risk of developing hypertension. Each extra 10 kilogram increases the risk of coronary artery disease by 12%. Consequently, the risk of coronary artery disease in women with a body mass index of more than 30 kg / m2 increases by 38% and in men, by 42%.

Obesity and diabetes

Obese people usually experience some symptoms such as lethargy, especially after eating, regular sugar cravings, frequent hunger, sluggish and fatigued. These symptoms show that they might have insulin resistance. According to studies; 31.5 percent of patients whose BMI is 30 and above have impaired glucose tolerance, hyperinsulinism, or high fasting blood sugar.

Why is bariatric surgery more effective and successful than other treatments?

Obesity is a vicious circle. As the patient gains weight, it becomes immobile. Because it is difficult to move. The more he gets inactive, the more weight he gets. Today, the most reliable way to break this vicious cycle and make the patient more physically active by feeding himself with less food is Bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery is not the easy way out.

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