Do you know what is the number of liver transplants surgery in Turkey?
Total number of liver transplant surgery is 887 in the first eight months of 2019 in Turkey. A total of 2881 organs have been transplanted in the first eight months of 2019 in Turkey. Considering the liver transplantation numbers from living donors among European Countries, some clinics are taking first place in Turkey in 2019.
Also, organ transplantation is a very important issue. Especially liver transplant surgery. Because you can not live with liver failure without liver transplant. Transplantation is a must in liver failure. Heart and kidney transplant is not urgent like a liver transplant. Because you can live with dialysis or some heart support devices when you wait for an organ transplant list. However patient can not wait much longer with liver failure. For this reason, live donor liver transplant surgery becomes very important.
Don’t be afraid of organ transplants from the live donor. Because the liver can replenish itself in a short time. In addition, these unique features of the liver increase the success rate of transplantation from living donors. It enables both donor and patient can live with two parts of the same organ without any complication.
The liver of the donor reaches the previous size approximately 3 months after the operation. In the same way, the transplanted liver part of grows too and reaches the normal liver size within 3 months.
Who can become a donor for liver transplant surgery?
You can find a list of live donor for liver transplant surgery. According to the laws in Turkey, it is compulsory to turn the age of 18 and to be in healthy mental condition. However, with the consent of the donor and his spouse. In case of kinship beyond the 4th degree, a transplantation surgery is performed with the approval of the ethics committee.
1st-degree relatives: Mother, father
2nd-degree relatives: Sister, grandmother, grandmother, grandfather
3rd-degree relative: Uncle, Aunt, Nephew
4th-degree relatives: Uncle, Aunt, Nephew